The Searcher,
Politicians don't claim a monopoly on "truth" and to be God's direct channel of communication on earth - but the org/G.B. does!!!
Sorry, but politicians do act like gods and believe that they have a monopoly on the "Truth".
playing devil's advocate here.... what's the difference between the gb changing bible interpretations compared to parliaments all over the world changing laws?
although the us constitution (=bible) remains untouched, congress passes i don't know how many new laws every year.
and of course people are expected to follow them.
The Searcher,
Politicians don't claim a monopoly on "truth" and to be God's direct channel of communication on earth - but the org/G.B. does!!!
Sorry, but politicians do act like gods and believe that they have a monopoly on the "Truth".
besides being raised in the religion , why do people become jws?
When I was 12 or 13 I had an epiphany while looking at the sky. In my mind there was a sense of wonder at nothing in particular (not God or nature). At that moment I wanted to discover something mysterious. Soon I decided that it would be about the Bible since it was the only thing that I equated with mystery.
Sometime later, I went up to my door and discovered a leaflet. It was a JW leaflet on "Babylon the Great". It impacted me in a way that went beyond the rational. It was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head. So I contacted the Kingdom Hall listed on the flyer and a couple of elders came to my door. During the study I thought I was learning the secrets of the cosmos.
In retrospect, I realize that it wasn't about the Bible but a deep, instinctive yearning to learn something about anything of worth. Both the Bible and the JW version of it were like an unfortunate detour that sidetracked me for the 8 most formative years of my life.
Had it not been for the culturally accepted idea that the Bible is mysterious I would have chosen another subject like astronomy or paleo-anthropology - the study of prehistoric men - also a source of mystery.
I was curious and naïve.
Another factor that synergized with the first - also at age 12 - was watching the post-apocalyptic movie Omega Man (Charleton Heston). I wanted to be a survivor like him driving through the empty streets of Los Angeles.
I was aching for adventure.
jesus drifted amongst the lowly folk .
Cold Steel,
Certainly they must walk the halls of Bethel, do occasional shopping, go to Home Depot or get out and do chores like everyone else.
I'm sure they have assistants doing their shopping.
i got in an hour metal detecting this evening and found this almost immediately.. it is a silver penny of henry ii minted in london by "davi" between 1180 and 1189. this adds a king i didn't have in my collection.
i now have the series of henry ii - john - henry iii - edward i - edward ii - edward iii.. i now need richard the lionheart to fill in the gap.
he was the brother of john and reigned after the death of henry ii.
Keep looking! You might find gold.
the u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
cha ching,
but wait.... You CAN get fractions from human blood.....
the u.k. to start trials in a new synthetic blood substitute.
all previous versions have failed to gain regulatory approval, but perhaps this one will offer a way out for jehovah's witnesses.
Let's see. JWs are forbidden from using whole blood unless it comes from cows. But these stem cells ultimately came from humans so what is the WT likely to say? But wait, we're not supposed to take blood from humans and animals therefore...........
update on mouthy (grace gough)this is graces granddaughter.
i wanted to send an update that today my beautiful grandmother passed away - surrounded by friends and family.
- may 22 1927 - sept 2nd 2016. mouthys_granddaughter.
i just wanted to know, when do the jws begin to study the 2014 publication called: "god's kingdom rule" at the local kingdom halls?
(i heard it was going to be sometime in the month of september of 2016, this month.).
..."studying" that book woke me up.
What about it woke you up?
at the meeting last night, at the annoucments at end of meeting they said make sure u take your ped card.
i said to myself what is a ped card?
blood cards are back.
I wonder if one of those can fetch a price on Ebay. You know, like one of their old books?
when i joined jws my mother said " you know they don't take blood and their suicide rate is much higher than general public.
in last three years i have known three young brothers all dead at their own hands, a gun ,a rope , plastic bag over head.
i knew these guys personally, it's one sad story after another.
I knew another guy that turned the tables because he was indignant at the religious leaders .
Funny, I never even thought of that when I did it. I was actually told that by one of the anointed (!) who was the only one who would speak to me. And he wasn't even mad at me for doing that to his emblems.